Home • A portion of David Mazie’s Direct Examination of Frank Tinari in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
Court Appearances
- A portion of David Mazie’s closing argument in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- A portion of David Mazie’s Direct Examination of Peggy Pence in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- A portion of David Mazie’s Direct Examination of Dr. Clark Likness in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- A portion of David Mazie’s Cross Examination of Marc Schneider in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- A portion of David Mazie’s Direct Examination of Frank Tinari in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- A portion of Adam Slater’s closing argument in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- A portion of Adam Slater’s Cross Examination of Dr. Piet Hinoul in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- Second portion of Adam Slater’s Cross Examination of Dr. Murphy in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- First portion of Adam Slater’s Cross Examination of Dr. Murphy in the Gross v. Ethicon trial – $11.1 million verdict
- Argument before the New Jersey Supreme Court in the L.A. Case
- Argument before the New Jersey Supreme Court in the Walker case
- Keller Trial – $12 Million Verdict: Part 3
- Keller Trial – $12 Million Verdict: Part 2
- Keller Trial – $12 Million Verdict: Part 1
- Supreme Court
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